Use Your Chrome Browser As Notepad Quickly | by mr-shubham

hello good noon friends..
suppose if you want to use your browser as your notepad
then type the brlow code in your adress bar:-

" data:text/html,<html contenteditable> "

All you need to do is type the following code into the browser's URL bar:
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
Hit Enter, and start typing away directly in your browser window. The reason this works is that it uses the data uri scheme to make a simple HTML page with the element, "contenteditable." If you decide you want to save it, you can do so in your browser and it will save as an HTML file. Otherwise, it's a fantastic little place to dump ideas that pop into your head that you don't need saved in an actual notepad. Of course, you don't have to remember the little line of code, you can enter it into your text expander access, or just make it a bookmark. Head over to Aguinaga's site below and dig through the comments for a bunch of modifiers to the code to change the background, text size, and more.

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