Watch torrent videos Online without downloading torrent file | by Mr-shubham

hello guys ,

How are you all ?

I hope you all are happy and healthy.

so lets come to topic .Today i come with new topic .

Do you know how to watch online torrent videos ??

sometimes what happens when we downloading a torrent movie file it looks like real ...i mean its not fake file but after we download and see its fake file.

 we are going use an App called Ace Stream. It is an App which allows us to watch/stream any torrent file without downloading. Thus it saves our lot of data and time. It provides you high quality multimedia streaming. Ace Stream is also available for Android platform, but it's in beta stage that's why we are providing you the tutorial of PC/Laptop version of Ace Stream, so without wasting let's get started!

Just follow below steps.
1. First of all, Download & Install Ace Stream App in your PC/Laptop - Click here to Download.
2. Now close all the open browser in your PC because Ace Stream extension get installed to all the browser of your PC and its forces you to restart the browser for complete installation.
3. Then download the torrent file which you want to stream, use any authority/trusted torrent site.
4. After the completion of the download, go to "Downloads" section of your PC/Laptop. Then right click on the files and go to "Open With' and select "Ace Player".
5. Now the video from the torrent file will get open in the Ace Player, and it will start buffering, this process may take few minutes, it totally depends on your internet speed.
6. Once the process is completed, you are all set. Enjoy the video.
7. That's it you are done, you have successfully streamed torrent file in Ace Stream Player.
This was the tutorial to watch torrent files without downloading by using Ace Stream.

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